Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time to Clear the Clutter.

So the other night I had a remarkably vivid dream. There are dreams that are murky and convoluted; the kind that leave you in a fog when you wake up. And then there are the less common dreams that are so sharply focused that the colors in them seem brighter than anything you've ever seen in life, and you wake up exhausted from the sheer energy of them. That's the kind of dream I had, and it turned out to be very symbolic. In this dream, there was an extra room in our house that was completely empty. It was a living room, and for some reason it had been ignored and neglected by everyone up till then. Stranger still, was the fact that our other living room was so cluttered by furniture and fixtures that there was barely enough room to stand in it. So the dream consisted of me heaving and grunting while I pushed and pulled and lifted one item of furniture after another from the overly stuffed living room to the empty one. I ended up making both rooms cozy, beautiful, and each with a character all its own. And now people loved both rooms. I was exhausted when I woke up, but extremely satisfied. And the meaning of the dream hit me with an incredible force. I have an empty space in my life that has been neglected, and I've been waiting for someone to come fill that space. At the same time, I have so much clutter; so much excess that I just haven't prioritized and put in its proper place. But I can't just sit around in the clutter and wait for someone to rescue me, and fill my empty space. I have to stop neglecting myself, put things in order, and make every space beautiful, before expecting anyone else to feel at home in any of my spaces.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

ooh, look at you...waxing philosophical ;)