Saturday, September 13, 2008

Haaaa!!! Simbangawa Eona Zii Teiabowa Heyahayeah!!

So, last night was Sabrina's birthday party, and it was a lot of toilet paper talk, tickling on the couch, tiny pieces of birthday cake, overt flirting, musical cards, a pregnancy announcement, and music video planning. Sabrina had wanted to do music videos with all us roommates most. She's been wanting to do it forever, and decided her birthday would be a perfect time. However, the plan was thwarted by too many people in our house, but she and I got to talking about it while sitting at the kitchen table. And Cheryl had the brilliant idea that we do the Lion King song. This is brilliant, because nobody knows the words to that song, at least not the beginning, which just sounds like a bunch of mumbling tribal chant. But wouldn't that be funny to have us all on video trying to fake our way through that part? I used to know it though, because I sang it in middle school choir, and so did Sabrina. So we were discussing this, and I said that the sheet music had all that written down, and I remembered a part of it. "All of it?" Cheryl asked me. I told her I remembered the chant. The part that goes, "Himaya manlingwana bana, but not the beginning" And then it just flowed off my tongue, sounding somewhat Chinese, "Haaaa!!! Simbangawa, eona zii teiabowa heyahayeah." I had no idea this would be so funny, but Cheryl and Sabrina got a good laugh out of it, and I'm hoping that we really do eventually do the music videos. Complete with costumes and choreography.

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