Monday, August 18, 2008

Growing Up

It's easy to dream big when the world you see every day is all hazed over by the bright colors of naive youth. Before your first heartbreak, before you've let yourself down, when the biggest thing you had to look forward to was Summer Break, when you still believed everything you saw in fairytales; it was easy then. Who knew so much could change? start things off, I'd like to say welcome, and no, I won't always be so morose. But this is it. This is the time in my life when that bright colored naive haze has been stripped away. This is after my heart has experienced break after unbearable break (sometimes of my own doing), the time when I'm scared to trust myself anymore, and the time when every fairytale is nothing but farce. I remember my big dreams, and I remember them fondly. Part of me still believes there is hope for those dreams, and that I can still make something out of the train wreck that stares back at me in the mirror, and it's that part of me that I'm inviting you all to journey with. No doubt I'll crash and bump and stumble and whine and break a few more times along the way, but there will also be laughter with every bruise, singing with every tear, and excitement after every fall. So sit back and hold tight!


Cheryl said...

Welcome to the world of blogs! :) I will be checking pressure...

Jo said...

YEAH for Elaina!! I like it. You will become very addicted to blogging!!