Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dissapointments and Fantasies

So yesterday began with the anticipation that later on that evening I would be attending my very first concert. Now how has such a music afficiando as myself lived to be 27 without ever having gone to a concert, you might ask. Simple, grow up in Sierra Vista where nothing exciting ever happens, and you're broke all the time. So this concert was to be my first, and was presented to me by my 16-year-old roommate (in spirit), Cheryl. She burst into my room on Wednesday night all a glow with excitement, her flush and giddy anticipation making her positively irrisistable. "Okay! You wanna go to a Backstreet Boys concert with me on Friday?!" That's right my friends, she said Backstreet Boys. I looked at her incredulously and she continued her proposal speedily as if to silence my refusal with her rush of words. "They're amazing seats and it's only $50! C'mon!" I felt her excitement begin to settle on me like the adreneline pumped frenetic delirium of a really good roller coaster. So I accepted her invitation and spent the day yesterday planning my outfit, applying fake nails, carefully attatching my hair extentions (realizing how much of me is fake with a small measure of chagrin, and subsequently shrugging it off, because the end outcome is so worth it), and listening to as much Backstreet Boys as I could to get in the groove. Two hours before the concert was scheduled to begin and half an hour before we planned to leave the house, we got news that the concert was CANCELLED! And so there I sat at the crest of the tallest drop of my roller coaster-stuck. However all was not lost. For what should be premiering that night but what was sure to be the sexist, most tempting, daring, fantasy catching, and let's admit, cheesiest movie of the year. But of course, I'm talking about Twilight. Our dissapointment over missing out on the musical stylizations and gyrations of the Backstreet not-so-much-Boys-any-longer, was numbed at the the chance to watch the sexy and erotic tale of the Cold-One and his extraordinarily common-place lover. And we were off! And did it live up to the hype? In my estimation, yes! Edward oozed sensuality, brooding discontentment, and one irrisistable come hither stare after another. And his kiss skyrocketed up the hottness charts, nearly melting the film reel, and certainly melting me on my seat. And so though, the night may have started with dissapointment, it ended with fantasies.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Am

I am a lover of the arts who delights in the asthetically pleasing joys of the world from good music that swells in my soul to great food that delicously swells my stomach.

I am a believer by nature who will catch the spirit of an idea, a legend, a story, a song, a volume of scripture, and be inspired by it.

I am a woman hurt, who has had better luck finding ladybugs in the grass than finding a good man.

I am the daughter of a girl who has always seen me as her emotional giant and spiritual predeccesor.

I am a sister of four uniquely gifted women; each of which have taught me great lessons.

I am haunted by fear of losing love before I find it.